日期:2014-05-19 浏览次数:20791 次
//:c04:SimpleConstructor.java // Demonstration of a simple constructor. import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*; class Rock{ Rock(){//This is a constructor System.out.println("Creating Rock"); } } public class SimpleConstructor{ static Test monitor = new Test(); public static void main(String[] args){ for(int i = 0;i < 10;i++) new Rock(); monitor.expect(new String[] { "Creating Rock", "Creating Rock", "Creating Rock", "Creating Rock", "Creating Rock", "Creating Rock", "Creating Rock", "Creating Rock", "Creating Rock", "Creating Rock" }); } } ///:~
//: initialization/SimpleConstructor.java // Demonstration of a simple constructor. class Rock { Rock() { // This is the constructor System.out.print("Rock "); } } public class SimpleConstructor { public static void main(String[] args) { for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) new Rock(); } } /* Output: Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock *///:~