日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20846 次

我用open cursor1 for v_sqlstring动态打开游标,那个v_sqlstring是一个查询语句,为了防止查询条件有单引号之类的特殊符号,我用replace替换掉了单引号。

select replace(projectname,'''','') into projectname_temp from dual;这个地方把查询条件projectname里的单引号去掉了,但是如果这个字段里的数据有单引号的话,就查不出来了。。

SQL code

CREATE OR REPLACE function certificatefunction1
    projectstate in int,
    projectname in varchar,
    startDateMin in varchar,
    startDateMax in varchar,
    endDateMin in varchar,
    endDateMax in varchar,
    certificateType in int,
    versions in varchar
    ) return sys_refcursor
  cursor1 sys_refcursor;
  projectname_temp varchar(50);
  sqlstr varchar(2000);
  sqlstr := sqlstr || ' select pp.profile_Id,pp.name,pp.version,pp.start_Date,pp.end_Date,pci.certificate_Type ';
  sqlstr := sqlstr || ' from Project_Profile pp,Project_Certificate_Info pci ';
  sqlstr := sqlstr || ' where pp.profile_Id = pci.profile_Id ';
  sqlstr := sqlstr || ' and pp.status != ' || projectstate;
  if projectname is not null then
   select replace(projectname,'''','') into projectname_temp from dual;
   sqlstr := sqlstr || ' and pp.name like ''%' || projectname_temp || '%''';
  end if;
  if startDateMin is not null then
   sqlstr := sqlstr || ' and pp.start_date >= to_date(''' || startDateMin || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'')';
  end if;
  if startDateMax is not null then
   sqlstr := sqlstr || ' and pp.start_date < to_date(''' || startDateMax || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'')';
  end if;
  if endDateMin is not null then
   sqlstr := sqlstr || ' and pp.end_date >= to_date(''' || endDateMin || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'')';
  end if;
  if endDateMax is not null then
   sqlstr := sqlstr || ' and pp.end_date <= to_date(''' || endDateMax || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'')';
  end if;
  if certificateType != -1 then
   sqlstr := sqlstr || ' and pci.certificate_Type = ' || certificateType;
  end if;
  if versions is not null then
   sqlstr := sqlstr || ' and pp.version like ''%' || versions || '%''';
  end if;
  sqlstr := sqlstr || ' order by pp.profile_Id desc ';
  open cursor1 for sqlstr;
  return cursor1;
end certificatefunction1;

针对projectname 特殊处理
if projectname is not null then
sqlstr := sqlstr || ' and pp.name like ''%?%''';
end if;

if projectname is not null then
open cursor1 for sqlstr using projectname 
elsif then
open cursor1 for sqlstr;
end if
