日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20805 次

Struts 2.1.2 中codebehind 与 验证框架的问题
我在使用struts2 得codebehind 和zeroconfig的时候。
将struts2 的验证框架加上。
然后问题来了,ERROR org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher - Could not find action or result
@Results( {
@Result(name = "xx", value = "xxxxxx", type = ServletActionRedirectResult.class)

像input 方法 对应 ActionName-input.jsp

codebehind在struts2.1中已经被Convention Plugin所替代了,如果学习的话换成Convention Plugin吧

The Convention Plugin is bundled with Struts since 2.1 and replaces the Codebehind Plugin and Zero Config plugins. It provides the following features:

* Action location by package naming conventions
* Result (JSP, FreeMarker, etc) location by naming conventions
* Class name to URL naming convention
* Package name to namespace convention
* SEO compliant URLs (i.e. my-action rather than MyAction)
* Action name overrides using annotations
* Interceptor overrides using annotations
* Namespace overrides using annotations
* XWork package overrides using annotations
* Default action and result handling (i.e. /products will try com.example.actions.Products as well as com.example.actions.products.Index)

The Convention Plugin should require no configuration to use. Many of the conventions can be controlled using configuration properties and many of the classes can be extended or overridden.