用 spring 提供的 HibernateDaoSupport 多表查询问题。 public List getMenuListByUsername(String username) { try { String queryString = "from tb_MENU as menu,tb_USER as user,tb_ROLE as role,tb_PURVIEW as purview where (user.ROLE_ID=role.ID and role.ID=purview.ROLE_ID and purview.MENU_ID=menu.ID) and user.name=?";
return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString, username); } catch (RuntimeException re) { log.error("find by property name failed", re); throw re; } }
但产生异常。 org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: tb_MENU is not mapped [from tb_MENU as menu,tb_USER as user,tb_ROLE as role,tb_PURVIEW as purview where (user.ROLE_ID=role.ID and role.ID=purview.ROLE_ID and purview.MENU_ID=menu.ID) and user.name=?]