An error occurred at line: 28 in the jsp file: /news/admin/chklogin.jsp
DispMaster cannot be resolved to a type
25: loginerror = "请输入您的密码!";
26: }
27: try{
28: DispMaster dispmaster = new DispMaster();
29: dispmaster.setUserName(userName);
30: dispmaster.setUserPassword(passWord);
31: if(!dispmaster.chkLogin()){
An error occurred at line: 28 in the jsp file: /news/admin/chklogin.jsp
DispMaster cannot be resolved to a type
25: loginerror = "请输入您的密码!";
26: }
27: try{
28: DispMaster dispmaster = new DispMaster();
29: dispmaster.setUserName(userName);
30: dispmaster.setUserPassword(passWord);
31: if(!dispmaster.chkLogin()){
An error occurred at line: 45 in the jsp file: /news/admin/chklogin.jsp
MasterControl cannot be resolved to a type
42: String passWord_s = null;
43: session.setAttribute("userName_s",userName);
44: session.setAttribute("passWord_s",passWord);
45: MasterControl mastercontrol = new MasterControl();
46: mastercontrol.setUserName(userName);
47: mastercontrol.addloginnum();
48: response.sendRedirect("main.jsp");
An error occurred at line: 45 in the jsp file: /news/admin/chklogin.jsp
MasterControl cannot be resolved to a type
42: String passWord_s = null;
43: session.setAttribute("userName_s",userName);
44: session.setAttribute("passWord_s",passWord);
45: MasterControl mastercontrol = new MasterControl();
46: mastercontrol.setUserName(userName);
47: mastercontrol.addloginnum();
48: response.sendRedirect("main.jsp");