日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20718 次

public class PTList
// Instance members,
// hd is the object at the head of the list
// tl is the tail of the list
// null indicates the end of list and an empty list.
private Object hd;
private PTList tl;

// The constructor is private - PTList objects can only be created by cons.
private PTList() {}

* Return the tail of the list.
* @return The tail of this list.
public PTList tail()
return null ; // replace this code

* Return the head of the list.
* @return The Object at the head of this list.
public Object head()
return null ; // replace this code

* Create a new PTList object with hd as the value at the head of the list
* and tl as the tail of the list.
* @param hd The value at the head of the PTList.
* @param tl The tail of the new PTList.
* @return A new PTList object.
public static PTList cons(Object hd, PTList tl)
//return null ; // replace this code
PTList newptList=new PTList();
return newptList;

* Returns a list consisting of the elements of PTList a joined to PTList b.
* For example
* <br>if a is: 1->2->3->null and b is: 4->5->null
* <br> then append(a,b) is 1->2->3->4->5->null
* @param a The first part of the new PTList.
* @param b The second part of the new PTList.
* @return The new PTList.
public static PTList append(PTList a, PTList b)
return null ; // replace this code

* Returns a string consisting of the form "" + {@link PTList#head head()} + "->" + {@link PTList#tail tail()}.
* An empty list is represented by null.
* @return The correctly formatted String.
// Do not modify this method.
public String toString()
return "" + hd + "->" + tl;


PTList,list of points? 当其是一个简单链表来实现吧

观此构成 1->2->3->null

private int value;
private PTList next;
