日期:2014-05-20 浏览次数:20854 次
import java.util.HashMap; public class Test { static HashMap<String, Integer> numMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); static HashMap<String, Long> unitMap = new HashMap<String, Long>(); private static void init(){ numMap.put("one", 1); numMap.put("two", 2); numMap.put("three", 3); numMap.put("four", 4); numMap.put("five", 5); numMap.put("six", 6); numMap.put("seven", 7); numMap.put("eight", 8); numMap.put("nine", 9); numMap.put("ten", 10); numMap.put("eleven", 11); numMap.put("twelve", 12); numMap.put("thirteen", 13); numMap.put("fourteen", 14); numMap.put("fifteen", 15); numMap.put("sixteen", 16); numMap.put("seventeen", 17); numMap.put("eighteen", 18); numMap.put("nineteen", 19); numMap.put("twenty", 20); numMap.put("thirty", 30); numMap.put("forty", 40); numMap.put("fifty", 50); numMap.put("sixty", 60); numMap.put("seventy", 70); numMap.put("eighty", 80); numMap.put("ninety", 90); unitMap.put("hundred", 100L); unitMap.put("thousand", 1000L); unitMap.put("million", 1000000L); unitMap.put("billion", 1000000000L); } public static void main(String[] args) { init(); //121,942,005,731 String string = "one hundred and twenty-one billion nine hundred and forty-two million five " + "thousand seven hundred and thirty one"; long num = getNum(string); System.out.println(Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(num))); //格式化 System.out.println(formatNum(num)); } static long getNum(String string){ final String ignoreString = "and"; string = string.trim(); string = string.replaceAll("-", " "); String[] strings = string.split(" "); long unit = 0; long sub = 0,sum = 0; for(int i = 0;i < strings.length;i++){ if(unitMap.containsKey(strings[i])){ if(strings[i].equals("hundred") && checkHundred(strings, i)){ sub *= unitMap.get(strings[i]); }else{ unit = unitMap.get(strings[i]); sum += sub * unit; sub = 0; } } else if (numMap.containsKey(strings[i])) { sub += numMap.get(strings[i]); } else if (strings[i].equals(ignoreString)) { continue; } else { System.out.println("error!"); return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } } sum += sub; return sum; } static boolean checkHundred(String[] strings,int index){ for(int i = index + 1;i < strings.length;i++){ if(strings[i].endsWith("hundred")){ return true; } } return false; } static String formatNum(long num){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(num)); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int count = 0; for(int i = sb.length() - 1;i >= 0;i--){ result.append(sb.charAt(i)); ++count; if(count % 3 == 0 && i != 0){ result.append(","); } } return result.reverse().toString(); } }