jsp分页只能显示第一页 我看了网上说的传递参数 传了怎么还不行 在校学生请教
<a href="show.jsp?page=<%=p+1%>&txtnaa=<%=txtnaa%>&booktype=<%=booktype%>&type=<%=type%>&mode=<%=mode%>&jcount=<%=jcount%>&ordertype=<%=ordertype%>">下一页</a>
<a href="show.jsp?page=<%=p-1%>&txtnaa=<%=txtnaa%>&booktype=<%=booktype%>&type=<%=type%>&mode=<%=mode%>&jcount=<%=jcount%>&ordertype=<%=ordertype%>">上一页</a>
SqlServer:select top 页大小 * from tb where 条件... and tid not in(
select top (页码-1)*页大小 tid from tb where 条件...)
oracle:select t.* from (select t.*,t.rownum r from tb t) where r between m and n
mysql:select t.* from tb limit m,n
oralce:select tb2.* from (select t.*,rownum r from tb t) tb2 where r between 3 and 5
mysql:select t.* from tb t limit m,n
------解决方案--------------------select * from tb1 where rownum between (page-1)*10+1 and page*10;