日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20759 次

byte转char,为什么要& 0xff
c[i] = (char) (b[i] & 0xff) (b[i]为byte型,c[i]为char型)
觉得与一下0xff没什么用。直接c[i] = (char)b[i]有何异?

因为byte的取值范围是 -128~127,而Char是0~65535

所以需要& 0xFF 使得byte原来的负值变成正的
Java code
0xFF is hexidecimal, you can Wikipedia that part. 

FF is a representation of 

00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111

(a 32-bit integer)

& means bit-wise "and", and so when you use it on two ints, each pair of bits from those two ints is and-ed and the result is placed in the resultant int:

Example (showing 16 bits only)

0101 1100 1010 1100
&0000 0000 1111 1111
=0000 0000 1010 1100

So as you can see, 0xFF is often used to to isolate a byte in an integer, by truncating the integer to one byte's worth of 1's.

For more information, see this WP article:

与 0xff 做 & 运算会将 byte 值变成 int 类型的值,也将 -128~0 间的负值都转成正值了。
Java code
char c = (char)-1 & 0xFF;
char d = (char)-1;

1) 位运算不限制为int, long也行的。
3) 负数进行&操作时需要转成补码,-2 的补码是0xFFFFFFFE