日期:2014-05-20 浏览次数:20932 次
import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; class QuestionLibrary { private static int counter = 1; public final int id = counter++;// 给每一道question一个唯一的id private String question; private List<String> choices;// 每一个问题里都对应有若干个choice,那么把这些choice也存起来吧; private String answer; QuestionLibrary(String question, List<String> choices, String answer) { super(); this.question = question; this.choices = choices; this.answer = answer; } public String getQuestion() {// 你是用private来修饰question的,那么别的类就只能通过此方法来获取question了 return question; } public void setQuestion(String question) { this.question = question; } public List<String> getChoices() { return choices; } public void setChoices(List<String> choices) { this.choices = choices; } public String getAnswer() { return answer; } public void setAnswer(String answer) { this.answer = answer; } } public class ReadTxtToClass { List<QuestionLibrary> list = new ArrayList<QuestionLibrary>();// 保存所有question BufferedReader br = null; String line = null; StringBuffer question = null; List<String> choice = null; StringBuffer answer = null; public void fileToLibrary() throws Exception { list = new ArrayList<QuestionLibrary>(); br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("test.txt")); question = new StringBuffer(); choice = new ArrayList<String>(); answer = new StringBuffer(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {//消除文件开头的空行,直到<question> while(line.trim().equals("<question>")) {//将文件指针移到题目开头,//从<question>下一行开始处理,在下一个<question>或者文件尾结束处理 while (!(line = br.readLine().trim()).equals("<choice>")) //读取<choice>前的信息 question.append(line + "\n"); while (!(line = br.readLine().trim()).equals("<answer>")) //读取<answer>前的信息 choice.add(new String(line)); //每一个替有多个选项,每个question的每一个选项之间必须有明显的界限,但文件中没有给出(某些选项是以“.”号结束,但有些没有) //这里我假定每一行就是一个选项 while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (!(line = line.trim()).equals("<question>"))// 如果还未到文件尾,读取下一个<question>前的信息 answer.append(line + "\n"); else break; } QuestionLibrary q = new QuestionLibrary(new String(question), new ArrayList(choice), new String(answer)); list.add(q); question.delete(0, question.length());//把里面的内容清空,以便存放下一道题 choice.removeAll(choice); answer.delete(0, answer.length()); if(line == null) break;//如果已经到了文件尾 } if(line == null) break;//如果已经到了文件尾 } } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { ReadTxtToClass rttc = new ReadTxtToClass(); rttc.fileToLibrary();//将文件信息转换为试题库 List list = rttc.list;//准备查看表中的信息 for(int i=0; i< list.size(); i++) { System.out.println("---------问题" + (i+1)+"\n" +((QuestionLibrary)list.get(i)).getQuestion()); System.out.println("---------问题" + (i+1)+"的选项"); for(String temp : ((QuestionLibrary)list.get(i)).getChoices()) System.out.println(temp); System.out.println("---------问题" + (i+1)+"的答案\n" +((QuestionLibrary)list.get(i)).getAnswer()); } } } /*output: ---------问题1 Analyze the following code: public class Test { private int t; public static void main(String[] args) { int x; System.out.println(t); } } ---------问题1的选项 The variable t is not initialized and therefore causes errors The variable t is private and therefore cannot be accessed in the main method t is non-static and it cannot be referenced in a static context in the main method. The variable x is not initialized and therefore causes errors. The program compiles and runs fine. ---------问题1的答案 3 ---------问题2 What is Java (in regard to Computer Science) ? ---------问题2的选项 A type of coffee An object-oriented programming language An interactive website none of above ---------问题2的答案 2 ---------问题3 Java runs on _______. ---------问题3的选项 Windows Unix/Linux Mac All of the Above ---------问题3的答案 4 ---------问题4 What is the main function of any variable ? ---------问题4的选项 To add numbers together To keep track of data in the memory of the computer To print words on the screen To write Java ---------问题4的答案 2 ---------问题5 The following statements make length be what number ? int length; length = 4; length ++; ---------问题5的选项 4 5 6 8 ---------问题5的答案 5 */