日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20905 次

请教平衡二叉树(AVLtree)的 deleteMin() 操作算法
各位大哥,小弟最近在想用AVL树实现priority queue的算法(当然用heap更简单), 但是对于用AVL树实现deleteMin()的操作,依次删除最小元素,并返回其值,直到删除树的最后一个元素的算法实在想不出来。我知道这其实和插入操作类似,因为删除会破坏平衡,因此需要通过旋转来使树重新平衡,但和插入的过程很不一样,想了几天也没头绪。不知有没有高手可以指点一下,有算法可以分享一下就更好了?下面是我写了一半的程序,插入操作可以正常完成,deleteMin()就有问题了。非常感谢!:)

Java code

public class MyHeap implements PriorityQueue  {
       private AVLNode root;//declare the root node
       //Construct the AVL tree.
        public MyHeap(){
            root = null;

       //Insert new item into the AVL tree.
        public void insert(double x){
            root = insert(x, root);

        //Remove the minimum item from the tree and return its value.
        public double deleteMin(){    
           double temp=elementAt(findMin(root));
           return temp;
        //Find and return the smallest item in the tree and return its value.
        public double findMin(){
            return elementAt(findMin(root));

         * Check whether tree is empty or not 
         * return 1-->is empty 
         * return 0-->is not empty    
        public boolean isEmpty(){
            return root == null;

        // Erases all elements from the AVL tree.
        public void makeEmpty(){

        //return the element associate with node t
        private double elementAt(AVLNode t){
            return t == null ? null : t.element;

         * Internal method to insert into a subtree.
         * @param x the item to insert.
         * @param t the node that roots the tree.
         * @return the new root.
        private AVLNode insert(double x, AVLNode t ){
            if( t == null )
                return new AVLNode(x,null,null);
                t.left = insert(x, t.left);
                if(height(t.left)-height(t.right) == 2 )
                        t = rotateLeft(t);
                        t = doubleRotateLeft(t);
            else if(x>t.element){
                t.right = insert(x, t.right);
                if(height(t.right) - height(t.left) == 2)
                        t = rotateRight(t);
                        t = doubleRotateRight(t);
                ;  // Duplicate; do nothing
            t.height = Math.max(height(t.left), height(t.right)) + 1;
            return t;

         * private method to find the smallest item in the subtree.
         * @param t the node that roots the tree.
        private AVLNode findMin(AVLNode t){
            if(t == null)
                return null;

            while(t.left != null)
                t = t.left;
            return t;
        private AVLNode deleteMin(AVLNode t){
                throw new EmptyHeapException();
            else if(t.left!=null){
                if(height(t.right)-height(t.left) == 2 )
                        t = rotateLeft(t);
                        t = doubleRotateLeft(t);
                return t;
                return t.right;

        //in-order traverse the AVL tree
        private void traverse(AVLNode t)
            if( t != null )
                System.out.println( t.element );

        //Return the height of node t, or -1, if null.
        private int height(AVLNode t){
            return t == null?-1:t.height;

         * Rotate AVL tree node with left child.
         * this is a single rotation for case 1.
         * Update heights, then return new root.
        private AVLNode rotateLeft(AVLNode root)
            AVLNode temp = root.left;
            root.left = temp.right;
            temp.right = root;
            root.height = Math.max(height(root.right), height(root.left))+1;
            temp.height = Math.max(height(temp.right), height(temp.left))+1;
            return root;

         * Rotate AVL tree node with right child.
         * this is a single rotation for case 4.
         * Update heights, then return new root.
        private AVLNode rotateRight(AVLNode root)
            AVLNode temp = root.right;
            root.right = temp.left;
            temp.left = root;
            root.height = Math.max(height(root.right), height(root.left))+1;
            temp.height = Math.max(height(temp.right), height(temp.left))+1;
            return root;

         * Double rotate AVL tree node: first left child
         * with its right child; then root with new left child.
         * this is a double rotation for case 2.
         * Update heights, then return new root.
        private AVLNode doubleRotateLeft(AVLNode root){
            root.left = rotateRight(root.left);
            return rotateLeft(root);

         * Double rotate AVL tree node: first right child
         * with its left child; then root with new right child.
         * this is a double rotation for case 3.
         * Update heights, then return new root.
        private AVLNode doubleRotateRight(AVLNode root){
            root.right = rotateLeft(root.right);
            return rotateRight(root);

* AVLNode class used in MyHeap class
*@ Liyun Zeng
*@ 2-1-09

class AVLNode{
    double element;   // The data include in the node
    AVLNode left;     // Left child reference
    AVLNode right;    // Right child reference
    int height;       // Height of this node
    // Constructors
    AVLNode(double theElement){
        this(theElement, null, null);

    AVLNode(double theElement, AVLNode lt, AVLNode rt ){
        element  = theElement;
        left     = lt;
        right    = rt;
        height   = 0;
