日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20714 次

麻烦有时间的看看这道题选什么好吗? (在线等)
Which statements are true about listeners?   

   A. The return value from a listener is of boolean type. 

   B. Most components allow multiple listeners to be added. 

   C. A copy of the original event is passed into a listener method. 

   D. If multiple listeners are added to a single component, they all must all be friends to each other. 

   E. If the multiple listeners are added to a single component, the order [in which listeners are called is guaranteed]

i reckon it's supposed to be B and C
First not necessarily should the listener return a value not to mention a boolean or sth else whatever
Second listeners have nothing to do with each other including their sequences when being called, for instance, MouseListener and KeyListener
If anything wrong, sorry in advance