代码如下,在 JCreator 中编译没有问题,运行时候是弹出了窗口,标题栏和"Using colors"是正常输出了,可是代码中画的矩形和输出的文字为什么都没有了呢?就只有一个灰色的背景而已,请高手赐教……
//Demonstrating colors
//Java core packages
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
//Java extension packages
import javax.swing.*;
public class ShowColors extends JFrame {
//constructor sets windows's title bar string and dimensions
public ShowColors() {
super ( "Using colors" );
setSize ( 400, 130 );
setVisible ( true );
//draw rectangles and Strings in different colors
public void Paint ( Graphics g )
//call supercalss's paint method
super.paint ( g );
//Set new drawing colors
g.setColor ( new Color ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
g.fillRect ( 25, 25, 100, 20 );
g.drawString ( "Current RGB: ", 130, 40);
g.setColor ( new Color ( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) );
g.fillRect ( 25, 50, 100, 20 );
g.drawString ( "Current RGB: " + g.getColor (), 130, 65);
g.setColor ( Color.blue );
g.fillRect ( 25, 75, 100, 20 );
g.drawString ( "Current RGB: " + g.getColor (), 130, 90);
Color color = Color.magenta;
g.setColor ( color );
g.fillRect ( 25, 100, 100, 20 );
g.drawString ( "Current RGB: " + g.getColor (), 130, 115);
//execute application
public static void main(String[] args) {
ShowColors application = new ShowColors();
application.setDefaultCloseOperation ( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
}//end class ShowColors
------解决方案--------------------public void Paint ( Graphics g )
Paint 改为 paint
区分大小写, 子类覆盖JFrame的paint方法, 实现在上面绘制的功能.