日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20798 次

IE 非模式对话框返回值的问题
值已经取到了,但是主画面接不到,就是说window.returnValue   =   rtnValue;(rtnValue有值)


var rtnValueStr = window.showModalDialog(xxxxx);
<TITLE> showModelessDialogEX.htm </TITLE>
var sUserName= " ";
Supplying the window object as a parameter allows for declaring the global
variable, sUserName, and using it to return information from the modeless
dialog box.
------------------------- */
function fnCallDialog()
showModelessDialog( "myDialog.htm ",window, "status:false;dialogWidth:300px;dialogHeight:300px ");
The fnUpdate function takes the value passed into sUserName in myDialog.htm
to update the span text on this page. This function is called in both
fnGetInfo and fnCancel functions in myDialog.htm.
function fnUpdate()
oName.innerText = sUserName;
<P> Enter your first name: <SPAN ID= "oName "
STYLE= "color:red;font-size:24 "> Joan </SPAN> </P> <INPUT TYPE= "button "
VALUE= "Display Modeless Dialog " onclick= "fnCallDialog() ">

<TITLE> myDialog.htm </TITLE>
/* -------------------------
This function makes use of the dialogArguments property of the
window object. dialogArguments allows the global variable sUserName
to feed the value supplied to the input in this dialog box back to
the window that called it.
---------------------------- */
function fnGetInfo()
var sData = dialogArguments;
sData.sUserName = oEnterName.value;
/* -------------------------
This function cleans up in case the user has clicked the
Apply button before canceling.
---------------------------- */
function fnCancel()
var sData = dialogArguments;
sData.sUserName = "Joan ";
<LABEL FOR= "oEnterName " ACCESSKEY= "f "> Enter your
<SPAN STYLE= "text-decoration:underline "> F </SPAN> irst Name </LABEL>
<INPUT ID=oEnterName> <BR> <BR>
<INPUT VALUE= "Apply " TYPE=button onclick= "fnGetInfo(); ">
<INPUT VALUE= "Ok " TYPE=button onclick= "fnGetInfo();window.close(); ">
<INPUT VALUE= "Cancel " TYPE=button onclick= "fnCancel();window.close(); ">
