<Thinking in java>中剖析器使用的一个问题
在实践《Thinking in java》第15章中的剖析器时遇到的问题,HPROF不能正确解析堆栈对应的代码中的位置。截屏如下,希望各位高手帮忙指点一下
C:\ARCHIVE\D\OAM\Book\TIJ3\TIJ-3rd-edition4.0\aaa-TIJ3-distribution\TIJ-3rd-edition-code\c15> java -Xrunhprof:heap=sites,cpu=samples,depth=10,monitor=y,thread=y,
doe=y Queue
WARNING: Default charset GBK not supported, using ISO-8859-1 instead
HPROF ERROR: unable to resolve a method id
HPROF ERROR: got NULL trace in obj_alloc
HPROF ERROR: unable to resolve a method id
HPROF ERROR: got NULL trace in obj_alloc
HPROF ERROR: unable to resolve a method id
HPROF ERROR: got NULL trace in obj_alloc
HPROF ERROR: unable to resolve a method id
HPROF ERROR: got NULL trace in obj_alloc
HPROF ERROR: unable to resolve a method id
HPROF ERROR: got NULL trace in obj_alloc
HPROF ERROR: class ID already in use
in = 3, out = 0, full() = false, empty() = false, queue = [Arfa@17590db, Black@1
7943a4, Delta@480457, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]Dumping contended
monitor usage ... allocation sites ... CPU usage by sampling running threads ..
. done.