跑到这里来交流,以前在上海学的是MIS,然后在这边选了门internet technology,觉得无从下手阿!有一个最关键的实验是:
Design and implement a server application which acts as an Internet bank, i.e. keeps track of bank accounts and allows clients to connect over the Internet and make deposits and withdrawals from any of the bank accounts. Also implement the client application. Use any port number available for general use, i.e. in the range 50000 through 65535.
1. The server and client should be written in Java1 and should run under Linux. Linux computers are available in the course laboratory. Coding may of course be carried out on any computer platform of your choice.
2. The applications should communicate through TCP.
3. The server must be able to handle several clients simultaneously. In Java, this is easiest done by making the server multithreaded.
4. For simplicity, the server need only keep track of ten (10) bank accounts, numbered 0 through 9.
5. The amount of money (balance, amount withdrawn/deposited) should be of type integer.
6. The server should register in the bank account record the IP address of the host that made the last transaction. These IP addresses should be printed by the server on screen along with the account number and account balance after each transaction.
7. You must make sure that several clients, each corresponding to a different server thread, cannot update the same account simultaneously. In Java, this can be done easily by using the synchronized keyword.
------解决方案--------------------没学过 Java?那就真的郁闷了。慢慢学吧,希望你有的是时间。
3 编号 int 4 0 主键
0 姓名 varchar 50 1
0 金额 money 8 1
import java.awt.*;
import .swing.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.sqljava.awt.event.*;