日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20876 次


JBuilder XML Project 用UE打开就知道了
而.jpx.local可认为是多余的,当你删除他时,每当编译下工程又会自动产生,主要用于程序的DEBUG如 F5+F8
The Team Include List files are tracked by the .jpx file. The information you enter here is stored in that file as well, because this is a team-wide project setting: the files that are checked here are the files that everyone needs to be able to use.

The backup files (bak directory) and the .jpx.local file are normally excluded (unchecked). Check your company 's policy about what files should be included and what should be excluded from a team project checkin.

Caution: The shared .jpx file must be included (checked in the Team Include List) to maintain version control for the project with CVS in JBuilder.