我是新手 刚搭好环境 运行起来了 用的是在myeclipse中的j2me wtk
但是 我点了 项目右键 j2me 下的 create package 他就跳出来一个叫错误
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Preverification' on project 'Text'.
在这之后 我那项目就运行不起来了 都是
Usage: emulator <command> [<option> ...]
-help Print this usage info and exit
-version Display version information about the emulator and exit
-Xmain:<main class name>
Run the main method of a Java class, as in Java SE
-Xquery If followed by "-Xdevice" option, prints detailed info
about the specified device, including the supported
commands list. By default, prints information about all the
available devices.
-Xjam[:install=<JAD file url> | force | list | storageNames |
run=[<storage name> | <storage number>][,<MIDlet class name>] |
remove=[<storage name> | <storage number> | all] |
transient=<JAD file url>]
Java Application Manager and support
for Over The Air provisioning (OTA)
Run a utility
-Xxlet:classpath=<class path>,class=<fully qualified name>[,arg=<argument>]*
Run Xlet application
classpath The class path containing Xlet
class The fully qualified name of the Xlet to be executed
arg An argument to be passed to the Xlet context
-Xautotest:<JAD file url>
Run in autotest mode
Generic options you CANNOT use with this command:
-Xrunjdwp:<JDWP options>
-Xdescriptor:<JAD file name>
The JAD file to be executed
Generic options:
-classpath <class_path> | -cp <class_path>
The class path for the VM
-D<name>=<value> Set a system property
-Xdebug Use a remote debugger
Debugging options
Use the specified device. If this option is omitted, the
default device is used, except for the command -Xquery.
Please note that every device supports a limited set of
commands, not all the ones listed above! To list the
commands supported by this device run:
emulator.exe -Xquery -Xdevice:<device_name>
Set the MIDlet suite's security domain
Enable memory monitor.
Enable netwok monitor. The "suspend" option means whether
to suspend the application run until network monitor
profile the application CPU usage
Options (all of them optional):
system Whether to profile system classes.