日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20874 次

eclipse搭建Java ME平台问题
刚学java me,我搭建平台时把wtk路径应该是正确设置了,但是一运行程序,控制台给出如下提示,怎么解决

emulator [arguments]

In order to get commands supported by given device run:
emulator.exe -Xdevice:<device name> -Xquery

Generic list of arguments is:

-version Display version information about the emulator
-help Display list of valid arguments
-classpath, -cp The class path for the VM
-D<name>=<value> Set a system property
-Xdebug Use a remote debugger
  Debugging options
-Xdevice:<device> Select a device skin for the emulator
  Set the MIDlet suite's security domain

-Xquery Print device information
-Xjam[:install=<JAD file url> | force | list | storageNames |
  run=[<storage name> | <storage number>] |
  remove=[<storage name> | <storage number> | all]]
  Java Application Manager and support
  for Over The Air provisioning (OTA)
-Xautotest:<JAD file url>
  Run in autotest mode
-Xdescriptor:<JAD file name>
  The JAD file to be executed

Window-Preference-J2ME-WTK ROOT 改成你2.52的目录 然后在Device Management里面重新导入一下2.52的模拟器就可以了