为什么我在调试的时候会弹出一个helper.class窗口 里面提示是:
class file editor
source not found
the jar of the class file belongs to container "j2me library[sun java wireless toolkit2.52 for cldc/mediacontrol skin]"whick does allow modifications to source attachment on its entries
Waiting for KVM...
Connecting to on port 2800
Waiting for debugger on port 4670
Connection received.
Running with storage root C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\j2mewtk\2.5.2\appdb\MediaControlSkin
Running with locale: Chinese_People's Republic of China.936
Running in the identified_third_party security domain
Connected to KVM
这是怎么回事 该怎么办
把window---preference---java--debug 改成下面图的样子试试