日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20861 次


1、在三层结构中,数据访问层承担的责任是( )。
(A) 定义实体类
(B) 数据的增删改查操作
(C) 业务逻辑的描述
(D) 页面展示和控制转发

2、在持久化层,对象分为哪些状态?( )
  (A) 瞬时(Transient)
(B) 脱管(Detached)
(C) 新建(New)
(D) 持久(Persistent)

3、、对于以下程序,Customer对象在第几行变为持久化状态?( )
  Customer customer=new Customer();  
  Session session1=sessionFactory.openSession();  
  Transaction tx1 = session1.beginTransaction(); //line1
  session1.save(customer); //line2
  tx1.commit(); //line3
 session1.close(); //line4
  (A) line4
(B) line1
(C) line3
(D) line2

4、、Spring的配置文件中数据源的常用类是( )?
  (A) LocalSessionFactoryBean
(B) BasicDataSource
(C) BasicDataSourceFactory
(D) DataSourceFactory
  <action name=”reg” class=”action.UserAction”></action>
  (A) reg.action!register
(B) register!reg.action
(C) reg.action
(D) reg!register.action
以上题我个人做的答案是1、C 2、C 3、D 4、B 5、C

1、在三层结构中,数据访问层承担的责任是( )。
(A) 定义实体类
(B) 数据的增删改查操作
(C) 业务逻辑的描述
(D) 页面展示和控制转发



2、在持久化层,对象分为哪些状态?( )
(A) 瞬时(Transient)
(B) 脱管(Detached)
(C) 新建(New)
(D) 持久(Persistent)



Transient - an object is transient if it has just been instantiated using the new operator, and it is not associated with a Hibernate Session. It has no persistent representation in the database and no identifier value has been assigned. Transient instances will be destroyed by the garbage collector if the application does not hold a reference anymore. Use the Hibernate Session to make an object persistent (and let Hibernate take care of the SQL statements that need to be executed for this transition).

Persistent - a persistent instance has a representation in the database and an identifier value. It might just have been saved or loaded, however, it is by definition in the scope of a Session. Hibernate will detect any changes made to an object in persistent state and synchronize the state with the database when the unit of work completes. Developers do not execute manual UPDATE statements, or DELETE statements when an object should be made transient.

Detached - a detached instance is an object that has been persistent, but its Session has been closed. The reference to the object is still valid, of course, and the detached instance might even be modified in this state. A detached instance can be reattached to a new Session at a later point in time, making it (and all the modifications) persistent again. This feature enables a programming model for long running units of work that require user think-time. We call them application transactions, i.e., a unit of work from the point of view of the user.

3、、对于以下程序,Customer对象在第几行变为持久化状态?( )
Customer customer=new Customer();
Session session1=sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx1 = session1.beginTransaction(); //line1