日期:2014-05-20 浏览次数:20762 次
//用书名查询书籍信息 private void QueryByName()throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String name; System.out.print("请输入要查找的书名:"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); name = scanner.next(); String querySql = "select book.BookID,book.BookName,book.BookPage,author.Author,author.Translater,type.TypeName" + " from book,author,type where book.BookName like \"%" + name + "%\" and author.BookID = book.BookID and " + "book.TypeID = type.TypeID;"; System.out.println(querySql); System.in.read(); ResultSet rs = null; DataBase database = null; try { database = new DataBase(); database.InitDatabase("book.db"); rs = database.RunQuery(querySql); if (!rs.next()) { System.out.println("没有结果......"); System.in.read(); } int n = 0; while (rs.next()) { System.out.println("书籍ID:" + rs.getInt("BookID")); System.out.println("书籍名称:" + rs.getString("BookName")); System.out.println("书籍页数:" + rs.getInt("BookPage")); System.out.println("作者:" + rs.getString("Author")); System.out.println("译者:" + rs.getString("Translater")); System.out.println("书籍分类:" + rs.getString("TypeName")); n++; } System.out.println("共有" + n + "项结果。"); System.out.println("查询结果输出完毕,按回车键继续......"); System.in.read(); System.in.read(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("查询书籍信息出错!详细信息:" + e.getMessage() + "请按回车键继续......"); System.in.read(); System.in.read(); return; } finally { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } database.CloseDatabase(); } }
public ResultSet RunQuery(String sql)throws Exception { ResultSet rs; rs = state.executeQuery(sql); return rs; }
sqlite> .schema CREATE TABLE [author] ( [BookID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, [Translater] VARCHAR(100), [Author] VARCHAR(100) not null); CREATE TABLE [book] ( [BookID] INTEGER primary key autoincrement, [BookName] VARCHAR(100) not null, [BookPage] INTEGER not null, [TypeID] INTEGER not null); CREATE TABLE [type] ( [TypeID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, [TypeName] VARCHAR(100) not null); sqlite> select * from book; 2|sdf|34|342 3|sdf|4334|434 4|dsfds|344|545 32|sdfs|43|434 345|鍝堝搱|324|3428 2324|娴嬭瘯|3543|234235 3324|浣犲ソ|323|344323
请输入要查找的书名:sdf select book.BookID,book.BookName,book.BookPage,author.Author,author.Translater,type.TypeName from book,author,type where book.BookName like "%sdf%" and author.BookID = book.BookID and book.TypeID = type.TypeID; 共有0项结果。 查询结果输出完毕,按回车键继续......