XML code
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
<%@ page errorPage="errorPage.jsp" %>
About to be do a risky thing: <br/>
<c:catch var="myException">
Inside the catch... <br/>
<% int x = 10/0; %>
<% out.println(x); %>
<c:if test=" ${myException != null } ">
There was an exception : ${ myException.message } <br/>
If you see this, we survived.
为什么不能打印 There was ... ?
------解决方案--------------------不能打印就是myException 为空了。。。。。
------解决方案--------------------<c:if test="${myException != null}">
There was an exception : ${ myException.message } <br/>
test="${myException != null}"
------解决方案--------------------我表示很担心楼主的这行代码:<% int x = 10/0; %>
用10除以0 有意义吗?
------解决方案--------------------test=" ${myException != null}"
" 和$之间不能有空格,也就是说test=" true" 这样带空格的值,是不对的
应该为test="true"才对,我试过了,改了之后已经可以打印There was ... 了