日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20799 次




Good,that's your answer?
And should I kneel down and give thanks to the splendid COMPLETELY FREE TOOLS that I get?
Thank Godness that I needn't kneel down to all the free stuff I get,or,I will get a knee ache all my life.
And ,maybe you should ask yourself why this COMPLETELY FREE TOOLS are not used so widely,yeah,you will not care,right?
However,I will post this email to some bbs and tell those who use or plan to use NB,PLEASE not use YOUR OWN PARTICULAR REQUIREMENT to bother the greatest charitarian in the world,and do all the customistation themsleves.
btw:Thank you for your answer,and no sympathy needed,really,I will buy from others.
Best regards,
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Manuel Mall 
To: 'nbusers@netbeans.org' 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 11:28 AM
Subject: RE: [nbusers] The hibernate plugin should upgrade.....

Actually AFAICT you are not buying anything here so don't compare this to buying a car. You made a choice to use something that is completely free given to you at no cost and you complain they don't put more free stuff in to satisfy a particular requirement of yours and that you may have to do some customisation yourself. Sorry, but no sympathy from me on your plight here.






From: lmw 
Sent: Saturday, 13 September 2008 10:48 AM
To: nbusers@netbeans.org
Subject: [nbusers] The hibernate plugin should upgrade.....




  It really disappointed me,can not gen classes from database,can not gen volumes from database,can not add support to normal applications(although it's easy,just add some jars to the lib directory).Or,maybe Sun just wants us to use jpa(EJB3),not Hibernate?


  I am sure that some one will say that you can modify the template of hibernate to get every thing you want,but why doesn't the development team write the template already?why should I do everyting?just like the UML plugins........I gave up studying the template script language.


  Just like you buy a car that has no doors,and someone tells you that ,yes,although there are no doors,but there are glasses,bolts,plastic ......and a guide how to construct a door,so,why don't construct a door yourself?


  most of the time,I just want to use the tools to develop java or java ee programs,not to DIY(do it yourself) something,may be I want to much?I like the NB,so I hope it becomes more powerful and easy to use.


  uhh,also complain the slow evolution of java db(only support row_number in the lastest version and still not support over()).



Best regards,




汗 ,就是感觉eclipse使用麻烦才喜欢上netbeans的。
回复的这么牛气 custom service 不是这样做的。。。
今时今日 这样的服务态度已经不行了。。。。
我们置换身份想想看吧,如果你是 NetBeans 的开发人员、客服人员,

说实在的,我感觉 Sun 已经很大肚了,免费开源了所有的软件产品,以
在。或许可以这么说,如果 Sun 是在中国的话,可能老早就倒闭掉了!