日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20521 次
//定义工具栏管理类 //mapCwgisToolBarClass.js //vp:hsg //create date:2013-07-31 //modify date:2013-08-01 //定义全局变量 var cmToolbar = null; //插件调用方法cmToolbar.addItem(pluginCmdTool); //定义工具栏管理类 mapCwgisToolBarClass = OpenLayers.Class( { // m_ToolBarItems: null, isScan: false, //初始化函数 initialize: function () { this.m_ToolBarItems = []; }, //添加插件项 addItem: function (item) { if (item != null) { this.m_ToolBarItems.push(item); } }, //反激活插件集合 deactivateItems: function () { //清除全局地图事件鼠标监听者 mapWrap.map.events.clearMouseListener(); //反激活所有全局工具 if (this.m_ToolBarItems == null) return; for (var item in this.m_ToolBarItems) { if (item != null) { try { this.m_ToolBarItems[item].dispose(); } catch (e) { } this.m_ToolBarItems[item].deactivate(); } } }, //启动扫描 startScan: function () { this.isScan = true; window.setInterval('loopScanItemEvent()', 1000); //1000为1秒钟,时间可以自己设 }, //循环扫描项事件 loopScanItemEvent: function () { if (this.isScan == true) { for (var item in this.m_ToolBarItems) { if (this.isScan == false) break; if (item != null) { item.enabled; } } } }, //释放类 dispose: function () { this.isScan = false; this.deactivateItems(); this.m_ToolBarItems = null; OpenLayers.Class.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); }, //类名称 CLASS_NAME: "mapCwgisToolBarClass" }); //实例化一个全局工具条管理类 cmToolBar = new mapCwgisToolBarClass(); //定义插件Command基类 继承于OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control) //基类抽象类名称:mapCwgisPluginCommand mapCwgisPluginCommand = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, { //定义属性 mapWrap: null, //定义类 初始化函数 init: function (p_mapCwgisClass) { this.mapWrap = p_mapCwgisClass; this.setMap(this.mapWrap.map); }, initialize: function (p_mapCwgisClass, options) { this.init(p_mapCwgisClass); // this.displayClass = this.CLASS_NAME.replace("OpenLayers.", "ol").replace(/\./g, ""); OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options); // this.events = new OpenLayers.Events(this, null, this.EVENT_TYPES); if (this.eventListeners instanceof Object) { this.events.on(this.eventListeners); } if (this.id == null) { this.id = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID(this.CLASS_NAME + "_"); } }, //--------------------------------------------- /** * Method: activate * Activates the control. * * Returns: * {Boolean} The control was effectively activated. */ activate: function () { if (!this.active) { for (var i in this.handlers) { this.handlers[i].activate(); } } return OpenLayers.Control.prototype.activate.apply( this, arguments ); }, /** * Method: deactivate * Deactivates the control. * * Returns: * {Boolean} The control was effectively deactivated. */ deactivate: function () { if (this.active) { for (var i in this.handlers) { this.handlers[i].deactivate(); } } return OpenLayers.Control.prototype.deactivate.apply( this, arguments ); }, //--------------------------------------------- //释放类 dispose: function () { this.deactivate(); }, //定义单击事件 onClick: function () { if (