日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20417 次



Everything you need to understand to start with AngularJS   介绍了AngularJS的主要构成

AngularJS Tutorial – Learn AngularJS in 30 minutes    介绍了Controller, Scope, Binding, Filtering, Hiding and Showing, Click event

Learn AngularJS With These 5 Practical Examples      介绍了5个例子:Navigation Menu, Inline Editor(双向绑定),Order Form(类似于购物车算总价钱),Instant Search(自定义filter),Switchable Grid(切换instagram的grid和list显示方式)

ANGULAR JS TUTORIAL   demo    一个通过控制scrollbar来画圆形的例子

A Step-by-Step Guide to Your First AngularJS App    一个list的例子,有过滤功能




React JS and JavaScript in Facebook     一个facebook工程师对ReactJS的中文科普

ReactJS 和 AngularJS的区别:


React has been open-sourced by Facebook in June 2013 and is battle-tested by on Facebook and Instagram. It has a small but growing community. The React team is very responsive and helpful on IRC.

AngularJs, supported by Google, is here since 2009 and has already a pretty huge community. Google did not use AngularJs in any of its major projects but many people have Angular projects in production.

We can estimate the community size based on IRC channel frequentations: 130 for #reactjs VS 600 for #angularjs on Freenode.

Angular is MVC, React is just V

React is much smaller than Angular. It does not have a service layer, prebuilt services to do routing or ajax requests, controllers, dependency injections, tools to enhance the testability. It is just the V in MVC, as stated in their home page.

On Facebook and Instagram, React is used with some other infrastr