日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20355 次
?* @param divId
?* ? ? ? ? ? ?one container
?* @param info
?* ? ? ? ? ? ?operation result message to show in the up DIV, such as: "Add
?* ? ? ? ? ? ?Successfully!"
?* @param isSuccess
?* ? ? ? ? ? ?one sign whether operate successfully.Just two values:true or
?* ? ? ? ? ? ?false.true means success.
?* @returns undefined
function showOperationResultInfo(divId,info,isSuccess){
?* @param url
?* ? ? ? ? ? ?format must be xxx.action?eventName=
?* @param params
?* ? ? ? ? ? ?format must consist of "key=value",such as deleteId=10
?* @param doDeleteCallback
?* ? ? ? ? ? ?do works after servers response
?* @param validateFun
?* ? ? ? ? ? ?do validation before submitting deletion request
?* @param deleteNoteMess
?* ? ? ? ? ? ?popup warning information. if not passing,to use default value
?* @returns {Boolean} whether this function operates successfully or not
?* How to use: commonDeleteEntireObjectFun(URL.deleteInstance,"id=3",deleteCallback,deleteValidationFun);
?* function deleteCallback(data){
var flag = isSuccessRetun(data);
?* function deleteValidationFun(params)
return commonValidateFun(URL.validateInstanceUsed,params);