日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20512 次


 * SWFObject v1.5: Flash Player detection and embed - http://blog.deconcept.com/swfobject/
 * SWFObject is (c) 2007 Geoff Stearns and is released under the MIT License:
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
if(typeof deconcept == "undefined") var deconcept = new Object();
if(typeof deconcept.util == "undefined") deconcept.util = new Object();
if(typeof deconcept.SWFObjectUtil == "undefined") deconcept.SWFObjectUtil = new Object();
deconcept.SWFObject = function(swf, id, w, h, ver, c, quality, xiRedirectUrl, redirectUrl, detectKey) {
	if (!document.getElementById) { return; }
	this.DETECT_KEY = detectKey ? detectKey : 'detectflash';
	this.skipDetect = deconcept.util.getRequestParameter(this.DETECT_KEY);
	this.params = new Object();
	this.variables = new Object();
	this.attributes = new Array();
	if(swf) { this.setAttribute('swf', swf); }
	if(id) { this.setAttribute('id', id); }
	if(w) { this.setAttribute('width', w); }
	if(h) { this.setAttribute('height', h); }
	if(ver) { this.setAttribute('version', new deconcept.PlayerVersion(ver.toString().split("."))); }
	this.installedVer = deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion();
	if (!window.opera && document.all && this.installedVer.major > 7) {
		// only add the onunload cleanup if the Flash Player version supports External Interface and we are in IE
		deconcept.SWFObject.doPrepUnload = true;
	if(c) { this.addParam('bgcolor', c); }
	var q = quality ? quality : 'high';
	this.addParam('quality', q);
	this.setAttribute('useExpressInstall', false);
	this.setAttribute('doExpressInstall', false);
	var xir = (xiRedirectUrl) ? xiRedirectUrl : window.location;
	this.setAttribute('xiRedirectUrl', xir);
	this.setAttribute('redirectUrl', '');
	if(redirectUrl) { this.setAttribute('redirectUrl', redirectUrl); }
deconcept.SWFObject.prototype = {
	useExpressInstall: function(path) {
		this.xiSWFPath = !path ? "expressinstall.swf" : path;
		this.setAttribute('useExpressInstall', true);
	setAttribute: function(name, value){
		this.attributes[name] = value;
	getAttribute: function(name){
		return this.attributes[name];
	addParam: function(name, value){
		this.params[name] = value;
	getParams: function(){
		return this.params;
	addVariable: function(name, value){
		this.variables[name] = value;
	getVariable: function(name){
		return this.variables[name];
	getVariables: function(){
		return this.variables;
	delVariable: function(name){
		delete this.variables[name];
	getVariablePairs: function(){
		var variablePairs = new Array();
		var key;
		var variables = this.getVariables();
		for(key in variables){
			variablePairs[variablePairs.length] = key +"="+ variables[key];
		return variablePairs;
	getSWFHTML: function() {
		var swfNode = "";
		if (navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length) { // netscape plugin architecture
			if (this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")) {
				this.addVariable("MMplayerType", "PlugIn");
				this.setAttribute('swf', this.xiSWFPath);
			swfNode = '<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="'+ this.getAttribute('swf') +'" width="'+ this.getAttribute('width') +'" height="'+ this.getAttribute('height') +'" style="'+ this.getAttribute('style') +'"';
			swfNode += ' id="'+ this.getAttribute('id') +'" name="'+ this.getAttribute('id') +'" ';
			var params = this.getParams();
			 for(var key in params){ swfNode += [key] +'="'+ params[key] +'" '; }
			var pairs = this.getVariablePairs().join("&");
			 if (pairs.length > 0){ swfNode += 'flashvars="'+ pairs +'"'; }
			swfNode += '/>';
		} else { // PC IE
			if (this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")) {
				this.addVariable("MMplayerType", "ActiveX");
				this.setAttribute('swf', this.xiSWFPath);
			swfNode = '<object id="'+ this.getAttribute('i