日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20595 次
/* ******************************************************************** ********************************************************************** * HTML Virtual Keyboard Interface Script - v1.40 * Copyright (c) 2010 - GreyWyvern * * - Licenced for free distribution under the BSDL * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * * Add a script-driven keyboard interface to text fields, password * fields and textareas. * * See http://www.greywyvern.com/code/javascript/keyboard for examples * and usage instructions. * * Version 1.40 - September 30, 2010 * - Fix issue with spaced-out comma keys * - Added a bit more cascade-prevention CSS * - Clear Shift/Alt keys when Caps/AltLk key is pressed * - Fix double-click bugginess in Firefox * * See full changelog at: * http://www.greywyvern.com/code/javascript/keyboard.changelog.txt * * Keyboard Credits * - Dari keyboard layout by Saif Fazel * - Kurdish keyboard layout by Ara Qadir * - Assamese keyboard layout by Kanchan Gogoi * - Bulgarian BDS keyboard layout by Milen Georgiev * - Basic Japanese Hiragana/Katakana keyboard layout by Damjan * - Ukrainian keyboard layout by Dmitry Nikitin * - Macedonian keyboard layout by Damjan Dimitrioski * - Pashto keyboard layout by Ahmad Wali Achakzai (qamosona.com) * - Armenian Eastern and Western keyboard layouts by Hayastan Project (www.hayastan.co.uk) * - Pinyin keyboard layout from a collaboration with Lou Winklemann * - Kazakh keyboard layout by Alex Madyankin * - Danish keyboard layout by Verner Kj忙rsgaard * - Slovak keyboard layout by Daniel Lara (www.learningslovak.com) * - Belarusian, Serbian Cyrillic and Serbian Latin keyboard layouts by Evgeniy Titov * - Bulgarian Phonetic keyboard layout by Samuil Gospodinov * - Swedish keyboard layout by H氓kan Sandberg * - Romanian keyboard layout by Aurel * - Farsi (Persian) keyboard layout by Kaveh Bakhtiyari (www.bakhtiyari.com) * - Burmese keyboard layout by Cetanapa * - Slovenian keyboard layout by Miran Zeljko * - Hungarian keyboard layout by Antal Sall 'Hiromacu' * - Arabic keyboard layout by Srinivas Reddy * - Italian and Spanish (Spain) keyboard layouts by dictionarist.com * - Lithuanian and Russian keyboard layouts by Ramunas * - German keyboard layout by QuHno * - French keyboard layout by Hidden Evil * - Polish Programmers layout by moose * - Turkish keyboard layouts by offcu * - Dutch and US Int'l keyboard layouts by jerone * */ var VKI_attach, VKI_close; function VKI_buildKeyboardInputs() { var self = this; this.VKI_version = "1.40"; this.VKI_showVersion = true; this.VKI_target = false; this.VKI_shift = this.VKI_shiftlock = false; this.VKI_altgr = this.VKI_altgrlock = false; this.VKI_dead = false; this.VKI_deadkeysOn = false; this.VKI_kts = this.VKI_kt = "US Int'l"; // Default keyboard layout this.VKI_langAdapt = true; // Use lang attribute of input to select keyboard this.VKI_size = 2; // Default keyboard size (1-5) this.VKI_sizeAdj = true; // Allow user to adjust keyboard size this.VKI_clearPasswords = false; // Clear password fields on focus this.VKI_imageURI = "keyboard.png"; // If empty string, use imageless mode this.VKI_clickless = 0; // 0 = disabled, > 0 = delay in ms this.VKI_keyCenter = 3; this.VKI_isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false; this.VKI_isIE6 = /*@if(@_jscript_version == 5.6)!@end@*/false; this.VKI_isIElt8 = /*@if(@_jscr