日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20375 次
Unlike extjs 3, pie chart of Extjs 4 can be customized according to your requirment.
For example, in my application, I? need to customize pie chart's legend to show a combination of both category and its count.(Default it will show only category.)
So I hacked extjs library, create my own Legend, I'm a newbie in extjs, but my solution works!!!
Define my own Legend MyPieChartLegend :
Ext.define('Ext.chart.MyPieChartLegend', { extend: 'Ext.chart.Legend',
?override the createItems function:
Ext.each([].concat(series.yField), function(field, j) { var count = []; //1 var store = chart.store; //2 store.each(function(rec){ //3 count.push(rec.get(series.field)); //4 }); //5 item = new Ext.chart.NewLegendItem({ //6 legend: this, series: series, surface: chart.surface, yFieldCount: count[j], //6 yFieldIndex: j });
?Note that, the lines ending with comments are newly added or changed code. Here I also use my own NewLegendItem which extends 'Ext.chart.LegendItem' . In original code, yField of the legend stores categories the store provides, e.g., ['apple', 'orange', ...], when creating legend item, yFieldIndex is used to get corresponding category name,? so we can similiarly add an extra yFieldCount field to the config object.
My own NewLegendItem :
Ext.define('Ext.chart.NewLegendItem', {
?mainly modifies the createLegend function:
createLegend: function(config) { var me = this, index = config.yFieldIndex, count = config.yFieldCount, // line 1 series = me.series, seriesType = series.type, idx = me.yFieldIndex, legend = me.legend, surface = me.surface, refX = legend.x + me.x, refY = legend.y + me.y, bbox, z = me.zIndex, markerConfig, label, mask, radius, toggle = false, seriesStyle = Ext.apply(series.seriesStyle, series.style); function getSeriesProp(name) { var val = series[name]; var ret = Ext.isArray(val) ? val[idx] : val; // line 2 ret = ret? (ret + " (" + count + ")") : ret; // line 3 return ret; } label = me.add('label', surface.add({ type: 'text', x: 20, y: 0, zIndex: z || 0, font: legend.labelFont, text: getSeriesProp('title') || getSeriesProp('yField') }));?
You can see the change is very simple, I just append (count) to the category name. So now I get things like
apple (10)
orange (5)
See the picture below for illustration.
Also, you can customize other things I think, for instance, the label.