日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20391 次
JavaScript 关键字
break false in this void
continue for new true while
delete function null typeof with
else if return var
JavaScript 将来的关键字
case debugger export super
catch default extends switch
class do finally throw
const enum import try
Javascript保留字(Javascript Reserved Words)
Javascript保留字 (Reserved Words)是指在Javascript语言中有特定含义,成为Javascript语法中一部分的那些字。Javascript保留字是不能作为变量名 和函数名使用的。使用Javascript保留字作为变量名或函数名,会使Javascript在载入过程中出现编译错误。
break | delete | function | return | typeof |
case | do | if | switch | var |
catch | else | in | this | void |
continue | false | instanceof | throw | while |
debugger | finally | new | true | with |
default | for | null | try | ? |
Javascript未来保留字(Javascript Future Reserved Words)
abstract | double | goto | native | static |
boolean | enum | implements | package | super |
byte | export | import | private | synchronized |
char | extends | int | protected | throws |
class | final | interface | public | transient |
const | float | long | short |
volatile |