日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20336 次

OpenCms中使用jsp forward


What about?using <jsp:forward page="..." /> with OpenCms?

Again, the short answer is:? It currently doesn't work in OpenCms, so don't use it.?You should consider using the OpenCms tablib (or scriptlet API) to achieve your results.

The long answer is: As described above, OpenCms loads any JSP with an internal requestDispatcher("{file.jsp}").include()?call. It expects to get the control back after that include call. This?is not the case when you use <jsp:forward /> , as the final page will terminate the request. This currently causes the JSP integration in OpenCms to break. We hope to provide that feature in a future OpenCms release. Note that the filename adjustment issue described above also applies to the forward tag.

意思就是目前在opencms中根本不能用 forward。


建立一个类,在其中使用属性表明其作用域(request or session),然后把这一对象存放在session中传递,使用sendRedirect转发页面。如果作用域表明:request,则在获得这一对象后在session中移除该对象。

1 楼 hoong 2007-02-11  
我也在学OpenCms,估计水平还没有你高呵呵  但有时间也可以交流一下啊  我的QQ147625288