日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20412 次
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??<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
??<title>Untitled Document</title>
??<script type="text/javascript" src="json.js"></script>
??<script type="text/javascript">
???? ?function test() {
????????????? var jsontext = '{"man":{"weight":"75kg", "age":"24"},"ar":["1", "2", "3", "4"]}';
???? //解析json
???? var aman = eval("("+jsontext+")");
???? //取出json中的信息
???? alert(aman.man.weight);
???function showJSON() {
???? var user = {
???? ?? "username":"andy",
????? "age":"24",
????? "info":{"tel":"123456", "cellphone":"98756"},
????? "address":[
???????? {"city":"beijing", "postcode":"222233"},
????? {"city":"newwork", "postcode":"444455"},
????? ]
???? }
???? user.username = "tom";
???? alert("username="+user.username);
???? alert("age="+user.age);
???? alert("info="+user.info.cellphone);
???? alert("address第一个地址 =" + user.address[0].city);?
???? alert("address第二个地址 =" + user.address[1].city);????
???function showCar() {
????var carr = new Car("Donge", "Coronet R/T", 123, "yellow");
?????????? function Car(make, model, year, color) {???
????????????? this.make? =? make;???
????????????? this.model? =? model;???
????????????? this.year? =? year;???
????????????? this.color? =? color;???
?????????? }
?????????? function myEval() {???
????????????? var str = '{ "name": "Violet", "occupation": "character" }';???
????????????? var obj = eval('(' + str + ')');???
????????????? alert(obj.toJSONString());???
?????????? }?
?????????? function myEval2() {???
????????????? var str = '{ "name": "Violet2", "occupation": "character2" }';???
????????????? var obj = str.parseJSON();???
????????????? alert(obj.toJSONString());???
?????????? }?
???? ??? ?
???? function toJsonString() {
???? ?var continents = new Array();
??????????? continents.push("Europe");
???continents.push("North America");
???continents.push("South America");
???alert("The JSON representation of the continents array is: " +continents.toJSONString());???
???? }??
??<input type="button" value="测试JSON" onclick="test();"><br />
??<input type="button" value="测试JSON2" onclick="showJSON();"><br />
??<input type="button" value="showCar" onclick="showCar();"><br />
??<input type="button" value="Eval转换" onclick="myEval();"><br />
??<input type="button" value="JSON转换" onclick="myEval2();"><br />
??<input type="button" value="toJsonString" onclick="toJsonString();"><br />