日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20363 次


? ? ? 客户端脚本(比如Javascipt)本身没有权限进行系统调用,但是在windows 系统下,在IE浏览器中利用JS创建activeX对象可以调用本地的可执行文件:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	function runExe() 
		var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.shell"); 
		var cmd="d:/test/target.exe";

? ? ? ?其中的shell.run参数介绍如下:

? ? ? ?参数1:执行命令字符串;

? ? ? ?参数2:应用执行时的窗口风格,1表示激活并显示窗口;

? ? ? ?参数3:是否等待命令执行完再向下执行,true表示等待。





How to run an executable program on the client?

Client-side scripts themselves cannot make system calls but on Windows systems you can insert Windows Script Host commands in client-side script.

To launch an application on the client machine, place this script in the head of the HTML page.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function runApp() 
var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.shell"); 
shell.run("notepad.exe", 1, true); 

Place this in the body of the HTML page. The button click will trigger off the function and the application is run.

<input type="button" name="button1" value="Run Notepad" onClick="runApp()" />

var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.shell");

Creates the WSH object as a new instance of an ActiveXObject.

shell.run("notepad.exe", 1, true);

The run method of WSH starts the executable program.

The first parameter passed into the run method executes the command "notepad.exe".

The second parameter is optional and its integer value specifies the window style of the application launched. The 1 value will activate and display the window.

The third parameter is optional and its boolean value specifies if it is to wait for the command to complete before further execution. The true value will wait for the completion of the command.

Note that running such scripts properly require to change the client's security settings.