日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20546 次
var mysql = require('mysql'); console.log("over-------------------------"); var TEST_DATABASE = 'nodejs_mysql_test'; var TEST_TABLE = 'test'; var client = mysql.createClient({ user: 'root', password: 'root', }); client.query('CREATE DATABASE '+TEST_DATABASE, function(err) { if (err && err.number != mysql.ERROR_DB_CREATE_EXISTS) { throw err; } }); // If no callback is provided, any errors will be emitted as `'error'` // events by the client client.query('USE '+TEST_DATABASE); client.query( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE '+TEST_TABLE+ '(id INT(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, '+ 'title VARCHAR(255), '+ 'text TEXT, '+ 'created DATETIME, '+ 'PRIMARY KEY (id))' ); client.query( 'INSERT INTO '+TEST_TABLE+' '+ 'SET title = ?, text = ?, created = ?', ['super cool', 'this is a nice text', '2010-08-16 10:00:23'] ); var query = client.query( 'INSERT INTO '+TEST_TABLE+' '+ 'SET title = ?, text = ?, created = ?', ['another entry', 'because 2 entries make a better test', '2010-08-16 12:42:15'] ); client.query( 'SELECT * FROM '+TEST_TABLE, function selectCb(err, results, fields) { if (err) { throw err; } console.log(results); console.log(fields); client.end(); } );
$ node /example/mysql/mysqltest.js
Administrator@WIN-23C1Q4GKQ4G ~ $ node /example/mysql/mysqltest.js over------------------------- /example/mysql/mysqltest.js:12 throw err; ^ Error: ENOTFOUND, Domain name not found at IOWatcher.callback (dns.js:74:15)
function Client() { if (!(this instanceof Client) || arguments.length) { throw new Error('deprecated: use mysql.createClient() instead'); } EventEmitter.call(this); this.host = 'localhost'; this.port = 3306; this.user = 'root'; this.password = null; this.database = ''; this.typeCast = true; this.flags = Client.defaultFlags; this.maxPacketSize = 0x01000000; this.charsetNumber = constants.UTF8_UNICODE_CI; this.debug = false; this.ending = false; this.connected = false; this._greeting = null; this._queue = []; this._socket = null; this._parser = null; };
client.host = ''; client.port = 3306;