日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20443 次

In essence, privileged methods are dynamically generated methods, because they’re added
to the object at runtime, rather than when the code is first compiled. While this technique is
computationally more expensive than binding a simple method to the object prototype, it is
also much more powerful and flexible. Listing 2-25 is an example of what can be accomplished
using dynamically generated methods.

// Create a new user object that accepts an object of properties
function User( properties ) {
// Iterate through the properties of the object, and make sure
// that it's properly scoped (as discussed previously)
for ( var i in properties ) { (function(){
// Create a new getter for the property
this[ "get" + i ] = function() {
return properties[i];
// Create a new setter for the property
this[ "set" + i ] = function(val) {
properties[i] = val;
})(); }
// Create a new user object instance and pass in an object of
// properties to seed it with
var user = new User({
name: "Bob",
age: 44
// Just note that the name property does not exist, as it's private
// within the properties object
alert( user.name == null );
// However, we're able to access its value using the new getname()
// method, that was dynamically generated
alert( user.getname() == "Bob" );
// Finally, we can see that it's possible to set and get the age using
// the newly generated functions
user.setage( 22 );
alert( user.getage() == 22 );
1 楼 robin_leung 2011-03-22  