日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20420 次
//*** This code is copyright 2004 by Gavin Kistner, gavin@refinery.com //*** It is covered under the license viewable at http://phrogz.net/JS/_ReuseLicense.txt //*** Reuse or modification is free provided you abide by the terms of that license. //*** (Including the first two lines above in your source code mostly satisfies the conditions.) // Rounds a number to a specified number of decimals (optional) // Inserts the character of your choice as the thousands separator (optional) // Uses the character of your choice for the decimals separator (optional) // // It's not a highly optimized speed demon, but it gives the right result... // ...do you really care how speedy it is? :) // // !!Note!! IEWin gets (-0.007).format(2) WRONG, claiming that it's "0.00" // This is a bug in IEWin's Number.toFixed() function. Number.prototype.format=function(decimalPoints,thousandsSep,decimalSep){ var val=this+'',re=/^(-?)(\d+)/,x,y; if (decimalPoints!=null) val = this.toFixed(decimalPoints); if (thousandsSep && (x=re.exec(val))){ for (var a=x[2].split(''),i=a.length-3;i>0;i-=3) a.splice(i,0,thousandsSep); val=val.replace(re,x[1]+a.join('')); } if (decimalSep) val=val.replace(/\./,decimalSep); return val; } if (typeof Number.prototype.toFixed!='function' || (.9).toFixed()=='0' || (.007).toFixed(2)=='0.00') Number.prototype.toFixed=function(f){ if (isNaN(f*=1) || f<0 || f>20) f=0; var s='',x=this.valueOf(),m=''; if (this<0){ s='-'; x*=-1; } if (x>=Math.pow(10,21)) m=x.toString(); else{ m=Math.round(Math.pow(10,f)*x).toString(); if (f!=0){ var k=m.length; if (k<=f){ var z='00000000000000000000'.substring(0,f+1-k); m=z+m; k=f+1; } var a = m.substring(0,k-f); var b = m.substring(k-f); m = a+'.'+b; } } if (m=='0') s=''; return s+m; } // var x = 1234567.89532; // x.format() => 1234567.89532 // x.format(2) => 1234567.90 // x.format(2,',') => 1,234,567.90 // x.format(0,',') => 1,234,568 // x.format(null,',') => 1,234,567.89532 // x.format(null,' ',',') => 1 234 567,89532 // x.format(2,' ',',') => 1 234 567,90