日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20402 次
<P><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <title>Power Table</title> <style> body{ FONT-SIZE: 9pt; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; } input { FONT-SIZE: 9pt; height: 15pt; width:50px; cursor: default; } table{ font-size: 9pt; word-break:break-all; cursor: default; BORDER: black 1px solid; background-color:#eeeecc; border-collapse:collapse; border-Color:#999999; align:center; } </style> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> /* This following code are designed and writen by Windy_sk <windy_sk@126.com> You can use it freely, but u must held all the copyright items! */</P> <P>var Main_Tab = null; var cur_row = null; var cur_col = null; var cur_cell = null; var Org_con = ""; var sort_col = null;</P> <P>var show_col = false; var charMode = 1; var act_bgc = "#BEC5DE"; var act_fc = "black"; var cur_bgc = "#ccffcc"; var cur_fc = "black";</P> <P>function init(){ cur_row = null; cur_col = null; cur_cell = null; sort_col = null; Main_Tab = PowerTable; read_def(Main_Tab) Main_Tab.onmouseover = overIt; Main_Tab.onmouseout = outIt; Main_Tab.onclick = clickIt; Main_Tab.ondblclick = dblclickIt; Org_con = Main_Tab.outerHTML; arrow = document.createElement("SPAN"); arrow.style.cssText = "PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: -3px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; FONT-SIZE: 10px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 2px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 10px; COLOR: blue; PADDING-TOP: 0px; FONT-FAMILY: webdings; HEIGHT: 11px"; }</P> <P>function window.onload(){ init();</P> <P> drag = document.createElement("DIV"); drag.innerHTML = ""; drag.style.textAlign = "center"; drag.style.position = "absolute"; drag.style.cursor = "hand"; drag.style.border = "1 solid black"; drag.style.display = "none"; drag.style.zIndex = "999"; document.body.insertBefore(drag); setInterval("judge_move()",100); setInterval("showContent.value=Main_Tab.innerHTML;monitor.value='cur_row: '+cur_row+'; cur_col: '+cur_col + '; sort_col: ' +sort_col",1000);</P> <P> sel_Mode.selectedIndex=charMode; }</P> <P>function judge_move(){ move[0].disabled=(cur_row == null || cur_row<=1); move[1].disabled=(cur_row == null || cur_row==Main_Tab.rows.length-1 || cur_row == 0); move[2].disabled=(cur_col == null || cur_col==0); move[3].disabled=(cur_col == null || cur_col==Main_Tab.rows[0].cells.length-1); }</P> <P>document.onselectstart = function(){return false;}</P> <P>document.onmouseup = drag_end;</P> <P>function clear_color(){ the_table=Main_Tab; if(cur_col!=null){ for(i=0;i<the_table.rows.length;i++){ with(the_table.rows[i].cells[cur_col]){ style.backgroundColor=oBgc; style.color=oFc; } } } if(cur_row!=null){ for(i=0;i<the_table.rows[cur_row].cells.length;i++){ with(the_table.rows[cur_row].cells[i]){ style.backgroundColor=oBgc; style.color=oFc; } } } if(cur_cell!=null){ cur_cell.children[0].contentEditable = false; with(cur_cell.children[0].runtimeStyle){ borderLeft=borderTop=""; borderRight=borderBottom=""; backgroundColor=""; paddingLeft=""; textAlign=""; } } }</P> <P>function document.onclick(){ window.status = ""; clear_color(); cur_row = null; cur_col = null; cur_cell = null; }</P> <P>function read_def(the_table){ for(var i=0;i<the_table.rows.length;i++){ for(var j=0;j<the_table.rows[i].cells.length;j++){ with(the_table.rows[i]){ cells[j].oBgc = cells[j].currentStyle.backgroundColor; cells[j].oFc = cells[j].currentStyle.color; if(i==0){ cells[j].onmousedown = drag_start; cells[j].onmouseup = drag_end; } } } } }</P> <P>function get_Pos(the_obj){ the_top = the_obj.offsetTop - document.body.scrollTop; the