日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20328 次

JavaScript 书籍推荐
JavaScript 不同阶段应阅读的书籍推荐。
建议来从jQuery team 成员Rey Bango.

jQuery team成员列表:

内容摘自Rey Bango的BLOG:

What to Read to Get Up to Speed in JavaScript
I’m not saying that you need to read every book mentioned below. These are books that I’ve read over the years and found incredibly useful so I’m categorizing them to make it easier for you to get going. I’ve done the legwork so need for you to do the same. Choose the books that you feel suit you.


These are books that will give you the fundamentals of the JavaScript language and get you started:

  • JavaScript: The Good Parts
  • Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
  • ppk on JavaScript, 1/e
  • Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)
  • Eloquent JavaScript (Online Resource)


Once you’ve gotten an understanding of the basics, it’s time to get a resource that will take you deeper and in many cases be your reference for years to come. These books fit that description.

  • Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
  • JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
  • Eloquent JavaScript (Online Resource)
  • DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model – Not JavaScript-specific but a good resource for learning to interact with the DOM


You have a firm grasp of the JavaScript language and now you want to step up your game. These books will help you get the knowledge you need to organize your applications and build maintainable code.

  • High Performance JavaScript (Build Faster Web Application Interfaces)
  • Object-Oriented JavaScript: Create scalable, reusable high-quality JavaScript applications and libraries
  • JavaScript Patterns
  • Pragmatic Guide to JavaScript
  • Pro JavaScript Techniques
  • Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja

What if *I* had to Choose Just 3 Books
If I had to choose just three books to have in my stash, I’d go with the following:

  • Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
  • Object-Oriented JavaScript: Create scalable, reusable high-quality JavaScript applications and libraries
  • JavaScript Patterns

Some may disagree with me on this but I’ve personally found each one of these books incredibly valuable. Professional JavaScript for Web Developers is a complete reference and covers EVERYTHING. All developers need a book like this. The book on Object-Oriented JavaScript is great to give you an understanding of leveraging one of the best features in JavaScript. Once you get past the basics, you’re going to want to identify key coding practices that make your code better and more maintainable. JavaScript Patterns helps you do that.