日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20435 次
* @author howl
* @start 2012-9-18
* @end ...
* Quick get the object
* @param id ModuleID
* @return Object Module Object
var $ = function(id){
var obj = null;
obj = Ext.getCmp(id);
return obj;
* Get Grid's Store Object
* @param gridid Grid Object ID
* @return Store Grid's Store
var $s = function(gridId){
var obj = null;
obj = $(gridId).getStore;
return obj;
* Get Grid's PagingToolbar Object
*@param gridid Grid's Object ID
* @return PagingToolbar Grid's PagingToolbar Object
var $p = function(gridid){
var bar = null;
bar = $(gridid).getBottomToolbar();
return bar;
* change Records Get Grid's Record data which been updated or added
* @param gridid Grid ID
* @return Record[] Grid's Collection object
var $crs = function(gridid){
var sels=[];
var s = $s(gridid);
sels =s.getModifierRecords();
return sels;
* Get the grid's first selected record,return Null while you didn't select
* @param gridid Grid Object ID
* @Return Record Object
var sel = function(gridid){
var sel = null;
sel = $(gridid).getSelectionModel().getSelected();
return sel;
* Get the tree's selected node,return null while you didn't select
* @param treeid Tree Object ID
* @return Tree Node Object
var $node = function(treeid){
var sel = null;
sel = $(treeid).getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode();
return sel;
*Get the Grid's all record data,return Null if you didn't select
* @param gridid Grid Object id
* @return Record[] Grid's collection obeject
var $sels = function(gridid){
var sels = null;
sels = $(gridid).getSelectionModel().getSelections();
return sels;
* Get the grid's Store baseParams parameter and Paging parameter
* @param gridid
* @return Object Filter parameter
var $params = function(gridid){
var params = {};
param = Ext.apply(params,Ext.apply({
start : $p(gridid).cursor,
limit : $p(gridid).pageSize
* Get page navigation's Paging parameter
* @param panelid
* @return Object Filter parameter
var $barParams = function(panelid){
var params = {};
params = Ext.apply(params,{
start : $p(panelid).cursor,
limit : $p(panelid).pageSize
return params;
* The Record do some override
Ext.override(Ext.data.Record, {
rowstatus : ""
* Hide and Show Panel
* @param status Panel status
function hideShowPanel(status){
if(parent && parent.$("west-panel") && parent.$("north-panel"))