日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20378 次


1. 创建一个嵌套的过滤器

.filter(":not(:has(.selected))") //去掉所有不包含class为.selected的元素

2. 重用你的元素查询

var allItems = $("div.item");  
var keepList = $("div#container1 div.item"); 
<div>class names: 
$(formToLookAt + " input:checked").each(function() {     keepListkeepList = keepList.filter("." + $(this).attr("name")); });

3. 使用has()来判断一个元素是否包含特定的class或者元素

//jQuery 1.4.* includes support for the has method. This method will find  
//if a an element contains a certain other element class or whatever it is  
//you are looking for and do anything you want to them. 

4. 使用jQuery切换样式

//Look for the media-type you wish to switch then set the href to your new style sheet  
$('link[media='screen']').attr('href', 'Alternative.css');  

5. 限制选择的区域

//Where possible, pre-fix your class names with a tag name  
//so that jQuery doesn't have to spend more time searching  
//for the element you're after. Also remember that anything  
//you can do to be more specific about where the element is  
//on your page will cut down on execution/search times  
var in_stock = $('#shopping_cart_items input.is_in_stock');
<ul id="shopping_cart_items">  
<input value="Item-X" name="item" class="is_in_stock" type="radio"> Item X</li>  
<input value="Item-Y" name="item" class="3-5_days" type="radio"> Item Y</li>  
<input value="Item-Z" name="item" class="unknown" type="radio"> Item Z</li>  

6. 如何正确使用ToggleClass

//Toggle class allows you to add or remove a class  
//from an element depending on the presence of that  
//class. Where some developers would use:  
a.hasClass('blueButton') ? a.removeClass('blueButton') : a.addClass('blueButton');  
//toggleClass allows you to easily do this using  

7. 设置IE指定的功能

if ($.browser.msie) { // Internet Explorer is a sadist. } 

8. 使用jQuery来替换一个元素


9. 验证一个元素是否为空

if ($('#keks').html()) { //Nothing found ;}  

10. 在无序的set中查找一个元素的索引

$("ul > li").click(function () {  
    var index = $(this).prevAll().length;  

11. 绑定一个函数到一个事件

$('#foo').bind('click', function() {  
  alert('User clicked on "foo."');  

12. 添加HTML到一个元素


13. 创建元素时使用对象来定义属性

var e = $("", { href: "#", class: "a-class another-class", title: "..." });

14. 使用过滤器过滤多属性

//This precision-based approached can be useful when you use  
//lots of similar input elements which have different types  
var elements = $('#someid input[type=sometype][value=somevalue]').get(); 

15. 使用jQuery预加载图片

jQuery.preloadImages = function() { for(var i = 0; i').attr('src', arguments[i]); } };  
// Usage $.preloadImages('image1.gif', '/path/to/image2.png', 'some/image3.jpg');   

16. 设置任何匹配一个选择器的事件处理程序

$('button.someClass').live('click', someFunction);
  //Note that in jQuery 1.4.2, the delegate and undelegate options have been
  //introduced to replace live as they offer better support for context
    //For example, in terms of a table where before you would use..
  // .live()
    $("td", this).live("hover", function(){
  //Now use..
  $("table").delegate("td", "hover", function(){

17. 找到被选择到的选项