日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20595 次

强大的Joomla CCK - Seblod/jSeblod (1)

自一开始使用 joomla, 就使用 jSeblod 做内容管理,实现了诸如文章列表、自定义表单(如简历等)等方面的应用。由于这个CCK相对于同类的如K2等扩展,感觉初期的学习曲线比较陡吧,中文的介绍和教程也很少,所以一直想写点这方面的笔记。现在的这个CCK已经改名为 Seblod, 版本也到了用于 Joomla2.5的 2.x 了。正好近期要用 Joomla 2.5 做一个多语言的站,借此,一边学习,一边笔记吧。


下面是 Seblod 官方网站:


seblod 官方网站


seblod 官方文档




Seblod is an Application Builder and Content Construction Kit (CCK) for Joomla that enables you to extend existing content types and create new content types, making your website more data organized, giving you rich content that can be used in many ways instead of having just plain content that can only be read.

Seblod 是一个Joomla应用构造器和内容构造套件,它使你能够扩展已有的内容类型并建立新的内容类型、更好地组织你的站点数据,并为你提供可有多种使用方式的富内容以替代原先那种只读的简单内容。

You can create your own input forms (usable from both Joomla's back-end and front-end) for users to enter content easily.? You can set conditions on what is shown based on other inputs and require validation checks on what is entered to make sure its in the correct format. You can also control the way output is displayed and create custom lists to show different data based on different criteria either selectable by the user or set by a module or menu view.



This enables you to do extend existing Joomla content.? For example, you can extend the standard Joomla user profile by adding an Avatar, phone numbers, or other new fields.? Or, you can add new fields to an article that allow you to do your own comment system, Directory or Real estate site.? Using Seblod gives you the freedom to manage your content, extensibly and flexibly so that as your needs change, your content can change, too.

这使你能够扩展已有的Joomla内容。例如,你可以通过添加头像、电话号码或别的新增字段来扩展标准的 Joomla 用户概况信息。或者,你可以添加新的字段到一个文章中,以实现你自己的评论系统、地址簿或房地产站点。使用 Seblod,你可自由的管理你的内容,可扩展并富有弹性,当你需要改变,你的内容也能改变。




Seblod 2.0 RC2 FULL Overview.mp4
