日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20378 次
/** * Begin class defination Uploader : 上传文件类 */ var Uploader = Base.extend({ constructor : function(btn, params){ this.input_id = btn; if(params) Utils.extend(this._options, params); this.init_upload(); }, _options : { input_file_name : 'qqfile', action : 'upload.do', params : {}, allow_ext_ll : ['txt', 'doc'], size_limit : 1024 * 1024 * 5, messages : { type : '不支持的文件类型!', empty : '请选择上传文件!', size : '上传文件大小超过限制!' }, on_complete : function(file_name, json){}, on_progress : function(){} }, // button input_id : 'btn_uploader', _el : null, _input : null, init_upload : function(){ this._el = $("#" + this.input_id); if(this._el.size() == 0){ throw new Error('上传按钮目标不存在!'); } this._el.css({ position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden', // Make sure browse button is in the right side // in Internet Explorer direction: 'ltr' }); this.input_reset(); }, input_reset : function(){ if(this._input){ this._input.remove(); } this._input = Uploader.create_input(this._el, this._options['input_file_name']); _self = this; this._input.change(function(){ _self.input_change(); }); }, input_change : function(){ var r = this.file_valid(this._input[0]); if (r.error){ alert(this._options.messages[r.error]); }else{ this.upload(this._options.params); } this.input_reset(); }, file_get_name : function(){ return this._input.val().replace(/.*(\/|\\)/, ""); }, file_valid : function(file){ var name,size,ext; if (file.value){ // it is a file input // get input value and remove path to normalize name = file.value.replace(/.*(\/|\\)/, ""); ext = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); } else { // fix missing properties in Safari name = file.fileName != null ? file.fileName : file.name; size = file.fileSize != null ? file.fileSize : file.size; } if (!this._options.allow_ext_ll.contains(ext)){ return {error: 'type'}; } else if (size === 0 || !name || name.trim() == ''){ return {error: 'empty'}; } else if (size && this._options.size_limit && size > this._options.size_limit){ return {error: 'size'}; } return {error: false}; }, upload: function(params){ var file_name = this.file_get_name(); var _iframe = Uploader.create_iframe(this.input_id); var _form = Uploader.create_form(_iframe, this._options.action, params); _form.append(this._input); _self = this; _iframe.load(function(){ iframe = _iframe[0]; if (!iframe.parentNode){ return; } if (iframe.contentDocument && iframe.contentDocument.body && iframe.contentDocument.body.innerHTML == "false"){ return; } _self._options.on_complete(file_name, Uploader.get_json_iframe(iframe)); // timeout added to fix busy state in FF3.6 setTimeout(function(){ _iframe.remove(); }, 1); }); _form.submit(); _form.remove(); }, cancel: function(){ var _iframe = $("iframe[name='" + this.input_id + "']"); if (_iframe.size() > 0){ // to cancel request set src to something else // we use src="javascript:false;" because it doesn't // trigger ie6 prompt on https _iframe.attr('src', 'javascript:false;'); _iframe.remove();