日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20458 次
*@description:????? 统一的局部刷新请求入口
*@param:??????????? actionName??????? 已配置的action
*@param:??????????? actionMethod????? action中的方法
*@param:??????????? getParameter????? 利用get方法传递的参数
*@param:??????????? postParameter???? 利用post方法传递的参数
*@param:??????????? isSynch
*@return:?????????? 从服务器返回的字符串
function executeRequest(actionName,actionMethod,postParameter,isAsynchronism){
??? //判断是否使用局部刷新
??? var isPartlyRefresh;
??? if(event!=null)
??? {
??? var srcObj = event.srcElement;??
??? if(srcObj != null && srcObj.tagName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT"){?????
??????? if(srcObj.isPartlyRefresh != null && srcObj.isPartlyRefresh.toUpperCase() == "FALSE"){?????????????????????????
??????????????? return "FALSE_NOTING";????????????????????????????
??????? }
??? }
??? }
??? var objXMLReq = getObjXMLReq();
??? var strURL = document.getElementById("path") + "/" + actionName + ".do";
??? currentActionName = actionName;
??? var flag = false;
??? if(actionMethod != null && actionMethod != ""){
??????? strURL += "?method=" + actionMethod;
??????? flag = true;
??? }
??? //增加局部刷新标示符
??? if(flag)
??????? strURL += "&isPartlyRefresh=true";
??? else
??????? strURL += "?isPartlyRefresh=true";?
??? if(postParameter == null) postParameter ="";
??? if(isAsynchronism == null) isAsynchronism = false;
??? objXMLReq.open("POST", strURL, isAsynchronism);
??? objXMLReq.send(postParameter);
??? var result;
??? if(isAsynchronism==false){
??????????? result = objXMLReq.responseText;???????????????????
??????????? return result;
???? }
function getObjXMLReq(){
??? var objXMLReq;
??? // IE5 for the mac claims to support window.ActiveXObject, but throws an error when it's used
??? if (window.ActiveXObject && !(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') >= 0 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0)){
??????? objXMLReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
??? }
??? //for Mozilla and Safari etc.
??? else if (window.XMLHttpRequest){
??????? objXMLReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
??? }
??? return objXMLReq;