日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20476 次
//通过predicate函数判断过滤数组 function filterArray(/*array*/a, /*boolean function*/ predicate) { var results = []; var length = a.length; // In case predicate changes the length! for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var element = a[i]; if (predicate(element)) results.push(element); } return results; } //Retrun the array of values that reaults when each of the elements //Of the array a are passed to the function f //返回a数组的所有值经过f函数运算后的结果数组 function mapArray(/*array*/a, /*function*/ f) { var r = []; // to hold the results var length = a.length; // In case f changes the length! for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) r[i] = f(a[i]); return r; }
//给o对象绑定函数,并调用 function bindMethod(/*object*/o ,/*function*/ f) { return function() { return f.apply(o, arguments) } } //返回一个函数调用函数f,带有指定参数和任何额外的参数传递给函数 function bindArguments(/*function*/f /*, initial arguments...*/) { var boundArgs = arguments; return function() { //Build up an array of arguments. It start with the previously //bound arguments and is extended with the arguments passed new var args = []; for(var i= 1; i < boundArgs.length; i++) args.push(boundArgs[i]); for(var i= 0; i < arguments.length; i++) args.push(arguments[i]); //Now invoke the function with these arguments return f.apply(this,args) } }
//return an array that holds the names of the enumerable property of obj //返回一个数组保存姓名的枚举属性对象 function getPropertyNames(/*object*/obj) { var r = []; for(name in obj) r.push(name); return r; } //Copy the enumerable properties of the object from to the object to. //if to in null, a new object is created. the function returns to or the //newly created object. //复制的可枚举属性的对象从对象。如果无效,一个新的对象被创建。该函数返回或者新创建的对象。 function copyProperties(/*object*/ from, /*optional object*/ to) { if(!to) to = {}; for(p in from) to[p] = from[p]; return to; } //Copy the enumerable properties of the object from to the object to, //but only the ones that are not already defined by to. //This is useful, for example, when from contains default values that //we want to use if they are not already defined in to. //复制的可枚举属性的对象从对象,但只有那些没有已定义的。这是有用的,例如,当从包含默认值我们要使用如果他们没有已定义在。 function copyUndefinedProperties(/*objecr*/ from, /*objecr*/ to) { for(p in from) { if(!p in to) to[p] = from[p]; } }