日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20410 次
日期:2011/11/15? 来源:GBin1.com
$(document).ready(function() { ? $('.beautify').each(function() ? { ??? ??? console.log(this); ??? ??? beautify(this); ? });? });
<B> CSS Code </B> <pre>body{color:#fff;font-size:12px}</pre> <pre class="beautify">body{color:#fff;font-size:12px}</pre> <B> jQuery Code </B> <pre>$('#gbin1').html('Just a test for beautify.js, enjoy!').animate({fontSize: "15px"}, 500);</pre> <pre class="beautify">$('#gbin1').html('Just a test for beautify.js, enjoy!').animate({fontSize: "15px"}, 500);</pre>
var the = { ??? beautify_in_progress: false }; // this dummy function alleviates Chrome large string corruption by probably shoveling the corruption bug to some other area if (/chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) { ??? String.prototype.old_charAt = String.prototype.charAt; ??? String.prototype.charAt = function (n) { return this.old_charAt(n); } } function unpacker_filter(source) { ??? var trailing_comments = ''; ??? var comment = ''; ??? var found = false; ??? do { ??????? found = false; ??????? if (/^\s*\/\*/.test(source)) { ??????????? found = true; ??????????? comment = source.substr(0, source.indexOf('*/') + 2); ??????????? source = source.substr(comment.length).replace(/^\s+/, ''); ??????????? trailing_comments += comment + "\n"; ??????? } else if (/^\s*\/\//.test(source)) { ??????????? found = true; ??????????? comment = source.match(/^\s*\/\/.*/)[0]; ??????????? source = source.substr(comment.length).replace(/^\s+/, ''); ??????????? trailing_comments += comment + "\n"; ??????? } ??? } while (found); ??? return trailing_comments + source; } function beautify(elem) { ??? if (the.beautify_in_progress) return; ??? the.beautify_in_progress = true; ??? // var source = $('#source').val(); ??? var source = $(elem).html(); ??? var indent_size = $('#tabsize').val(); ??? var indent_char = indent_size == 1 ? '\t' : ' '; ??? var preserve_newlines = $('#preserve-newlines').attr('checked'); ??? var keep_array_indentation = $('#keep-array-indentation').attr('checked'); ??? var brace_style = $('#brace-style').val(); ??? if ($('#detect-packers').attr('checked')) { ??????? source = unpacker_filter(source); ??? } ??? var comment_mark = '<-' + '-'; ??? var opts = { ??????????????? indent_size: indent_size, ??????????????? indent_char: indent_char, ??????????????? preserve_newlines:preserve_newlines, ??????????????? brace_style: brace_style, ??????????????? keep_array_indentation:keep_array_indentation, ??????????????? space_after_anon_function:true}; ??? if (source && source[0] === '<' && source.substring(0, 4) !== comment_mark) { ??????? $(elem).html( ??????????? style_html(source, opts) ??????? ); ??? } else { ??????? var v = js_beautify(unpacker_filter(source), opts); ??????? $(elem).html(v); ??? } ??? the.beautify_in_progress = false; }