日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20331 次


测试环境window7,nodejs v0.6.5 分别用ie,firefox,chrome打开http://,所有该网页上的图片会同步移动。贴上代码。
// Include the necessary modules.
var sys = require("util");
var http = require("http");
var url = require("url");
var path = require("path");
var fileSystem = require("fs");

// ---------------------- //
// ---------------------- //

// Create an instance of the HTTP server.
var server = http.createServer(
    function (request, response) {

// Get the requested "script_name". This is the part of the
// path after the server_name.
        var scriptName = request.url;

// Convert the script name (expand-path) to a physical file
// on the local file system.
        var requestdFilePath = path.join(process.cwd(), scriptName);

// Read in the requested file. Remember, since all File I/O
// (input and output) is asynchronous in Node.js, we need to
// ask for the file to be read and then provide a callback
// for when that file data is available.
// NOTE: You can check to see if the file exists *before* you
// try to read it; but for our demo purposes, I don't see an
// immediate benefit since the readFile() method provides an
// error object.
            function (error, fileBinary) {

// Check to see if there was a problem reading the
// file. If so, we'll **assume** it is a 404 error.
                if (error) {

// Send the file not found header.

// Close the response.

// Return out of this guard statement.


// If we made it this far then the file was read in
// without a problem. Set a 200 status response.

// Serve up the file binary data. When doing this, we
// have to set the encoding as binary (it defaults to
// UTF-8).
                response.write(fileBinary, "binary");

// End the response.



// Point the server to listen to the given port for incoming
// requests.

// ---------------------- //
// ---------------------- //

// Create a local memory space for further now-configuration.
(function () {

// Now that we have our HTTP server initialized, let's configure
// our NowJS connector.
    var nowjs = require("now");

// After we have set up our HTTP server to serve up "Static"
// files, we pass it off to the NowJS connector to have it
// augment the server object. This will prepare it to serve up
// the NowJS client module (including the appropriate port
// number and server name) and basically wire everything together
// for us.
// Everyone contains an object called "now" (ie. everyone.now) -
// this allows variables and functions to be shared between the
// server and the client.
    var everyone = nowjs.initialize(server);

// Create primary key to keep track of all the clients that
// connect. Each one will be assigned a unique ID.
    var primaryKey = 0;

// When a client has connected, assign it a UUID. In the
// context of this callback, "this" refers to the specific client
// that is communicating with the server.
// NOTE: This "uuid" value is NOT synced to the client; however,
// when the client connects to the server, this UUID will be
// available in the calling context.
        function () {
            this.now.uuid = ++primaryKey;

// Add a broadcast function to *every* client that