日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20319 次
Ext.define('Ext.view.ImageBoundList', { extend : 'Ext.view.BoundList', alias : 'widget.imageboundlist', alternateClassName : 'Ext.ImageBoundList', initComponent: function() { var me = this; if (!me.tpl) { me.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate( '<ul><tpl for=".">', '<li role="option" class="' + me.itemCls + '">' + '<img src="' + me.getInnerTpl(me.imageField) + '" align="top" />' + me.getInnerTpl(me.displayField) + '</li>', '</tpl></ul>'); } else if (Ext.isString(me.tpl)) { me.tpl = Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate', me.tpl); } me.callParent(); } });
uses: [ 'Ext.view.ImageBoundList', 'Ext.form.FieldSet', 'Ext.ux.layout.component.form.MultiSelect', 'Ext.view.DragZone', 'Ext.view.DropZone' ], ... /** * @cfg {String} displayField Name of the desired display field in the dataset (defaults to 'text'). */ displayField: 'text', /** * @cfg {String} imageField Name of the desired display field in the dataset (defaults to 'image'). */ imageField: 'image', ... onRender: function(ct, position) { var me = this, panel, boundList, selModel; me.callParent(arguments); boundList = me.boundList = Ext.create('Ext.view.ImageBoundList', { deferInitialRefresh: false, multiSelect: true, store: me.store, displayField: me.displayField, imageField: me.imageField, border: false, disabled: me.disabled });
onRender: function(ct, position) { var me = this, baseCSSPrefix = Ext.baseCSSPrefix, ddGroup = 'ItemSelectorDD-' + Ext.id(), commonConfig = { displayField: me.displayField, valueField: me.valueField, imageField: me.imageField,
Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled: true}); Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', '../ux'); Ext.require([ 'Ext.form.Panel', 'Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect', 'Ext.ux.form.ItemSelector' ]); Ext.onReady(function(){ var ds = Ext.create('Ext.data.ArrayStore', { data: [[123,'One Hundred Twenty Three', '../shared/icons/fam/cog.png'], ['1', 'One', '../shared/icons/fam/grid.png'], ['2', 'Two', '../shared/icons/fam/grid.png'], ['3', 'Three', '../shared/icons/fam/grid.png'], ['4', 'Four', '../shared/icons/fam/grid.png'], ['5', 'Five', '../shared/icons/fam/grid.png'], ['6', 'Six', '../shared/icons/fam/grid.png'], ['7', 'Seven', '../shared/icons/fam/grid.png'], ['8', 'Eight', '../shared/icons/fam/grid.png'], ['9', 'Nine', '../shared/icons/fam/grid.png']], fields: ['value','text', 'image'], sortInfo: { field: 'value', direction: 'ASC' } }); /* * Ext.ux.form.ItemSelector Example Code */ var isForm = Ext.widget('form', { title: 'ItemSelector Test', width: 700, bodyPadding: 10, renderTo: 'itemselector', items:[{ xtype: 'itemselector', name: 'itemselector', id: 'itemselector-field', anchor: '100%', fieldLabel: 'ItemSelector', imagePath: '../ux/images/', store: ds, displayField: 'text', valueField: 'value', imageField: 'image', value: ['3', '4', '6'], allowBlank: false, msgTarget: 'side' }] }); });