日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20465 次

JScript code
var dialog = new Ext.ux.UploadDialog.Dialog({
    autoCreate: true,
    closable: false,
    collapsible: true,
    draggable: true,
    minWidth: 400,
    minHeight: 200,
    width: 400,
    height: 350,
    proxyDrag: true,
    resizable: true,
    constraintoviewport: true,
    title: 'File upload queue.',
    url: 'upload.asp',
    reset_on_hide: false,
    post_var_name: 'extfile',
    allow_close_on_upload: false

Most configuration options are inherited from Ext.Window (see ExtJs docs). The added ones are: 

url - the url where to post uploaded files. 
base_params - additional post params (default to {}). 
permitted_extensions - array of file extensions which are permitted to upload (default to []). 
reset_on_hide - whether to reset upload queue on dialog hide or not (default true). 
allow_close_on_upload - whether to allow hide/close dialog during upload process (default false). 
upload_autostart - whether to start upload automaticaly when file added or not (default false). 
post_var_name - uploaded data POST variable name (defaults to 'file'). 


JScript code

var dialog = new Ext.ux.UploadDialog.Dialog({
    autoCreate: true,  //自动会创建要渲染的元素
    closable: false,   //可以关闭
    collapsible: true,//可以收缩
    draggable: true,//可以拖拽
    minWidth: 400, //最小宽度
    minHeight: 200,//最小高度
    width: 400, //宽度
    height: 350,//高度
    proxyDrag: true, //拖拽时会请求一个代理
    resizable: true, //窗体可以改变大小
    constraintoviewport: true, //窗体在viewport中可见
    title: 'File upload queue.',  //标题
    url: 'upload.asp', //上传的url
    reset_on_hide: false, //重置后隐藏
    post_var_name: 'extfile',//提供后台获取的名称
    allow_close_on_upload: false //是否允许上传中关闭