日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20417 次

editor.js问题 ie6下正常 ie7 ie8 google上点击工具栏就自动把文本域关闭起来
1.ie6下正常 ie7 ie8 google上点击工具栏就自动把文本域关闭起来,很像点了提交一样的现象
2.字体大小、斜体、粗体、添加超链接等等 都无法操作..... 只求ie下正常即可 大家看看 谢谢

就这个内容的editor.js 贴了一段,一千多行 放不下,

JScript code

// htmlArea v2.03 - Copyright (c) 2002 interactivetools.com, inc.
// This copyright notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt).
// A free WYSIWYG editor replacement for <textarea> fields.
// For full source code and docs, visit http://www.interactivetools.com/

// write out styles for UI buttons
document.write('<style type="text/css">\n');
document.write('.btn     { width: 22px; height: 22px; border: 1px solid buttonface; margin: 0; padding: 0; }\n');
document.write('.btnOver { width: 22px; height: 22px; border: 1px outset; }\n');
document.write('.btnDown { width: 22px; height: 22px; border: 1px inset; background-color: buttonhighlight; }\n');
document.write('.btnNA   { width: 22px; height: 22px; border: 1px solid buttonface; filter: alpha(opacity=25); }\n');
document.write('.cMenu     { background-color: threedface; color: menutext; cursor: Default; font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 8pt; padding: 2 12 2 16; }');
document.write('.cMenuOver { background-color: highlight; color: highlighttext; cursor: Default; font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 8pt; padding: 2 12 2 16; }');
document.write('.cMenuDivOuter { background-color: threedface; height: 9 }');
document.write('.cMenuDivInner { margin: 0 4 0 4; border-width: 1; border-style: solid; border-color: threedshadow threedhighlight threedhighlight threedshadow; }');

/* ---------------------------------- *\
  Function    : editor_defaultConfig
  Description : default configuration settings for wysiwyg editor
\* ---------------------------------- */

function editor_defaultConfig(objname) {

this.version = "2.03"

this.width =  "auto";
this.height = "auto";
this.bodyStyle = 'background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family: "Verdana"; font-size: x-small;';
this.imgURL = _editor_url + 'images/';
this.debug  = 1;

this.replaceNextlines = 0; // replace nextlines from spaces (on output)
this.plaintextInput = 0;   // replace nextlines with breaks (on input)

this.toolbar = [
//    ['fontname'],
//    ['fontstyle'],
//    ['linebreak'],
//    ['bold'],
//  ['strikethrough','subscript','superscript','separator'],
//    ['OrderedList','UnOrderedList','Outdent','Indent','separator'],
//    ['forecolor','backcolor','separator'],
//  ['custom1','custom2','custom3','separator'],
//    ['popupeditor','about']
